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Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form_SN Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form ' VARIABILI PER IL DATABASE DA APRIRE Dim ConPubs As OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim AdaptSql As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim DatPubs As DataSet Dim CurrentRecord As Integer Dim EditState As Boolean ' VARIABILI PER I MESSAGGI DA VISUALIZZARE Dim nameapp As String = "Serial Number" Dim dbname As String = "pcemail" Dim dberror As String = "Database non trovato, nel percorso!" Dim dbrecordupdate As String = "Record aggiornato correttamente!" Dim dbrecordagg As String = "Record aggiunto correttamente!" Dim dbrecordcanc As String = "Eliminare il record selezionato!" Dim dbrecordedit As String = "Editare il record selezionato!" Dim dbrecordcopia As String = "Copiare il record selezionato!" Dim dbrecordnot As String = "Nessuna record selezionato!" Dim dbrecordobb As String = "Campo obbligatorio!" Dim dbmsgbox As String ' CHIUSURA DELLA CONNESSIONE DEL DATABASE Private Sub Form_SN_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing ConPubs.Close() End Sub ' APERTURA DELLA CONNESSIONE DEL DATABASE Private Sub Form_SN_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(dbname + ".eft") Then ConPubs = New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim dblocation As String = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory & "\" & dbname & ".eft" ConPubs.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.oledb.4.0;Data Source='" & dblocation & "'" ConPubs.Open() Call Populate_Adapter_Dataset() Call Dataset_Styles() Call CleartTxt() ' LOADING DATI NEL COMBOBOX ARTICOLI Populate_Combo(ComboBox_SN_Articolo, "CodArticolo", "TArticoli") ' LOADING DATI NEL COMBOBOX FORNITORE Populate_Combo(ComboBox_SN_Fornitore, "fornitore", "pcemail_fornitore") ' LOADING DATI NEL COMBOBOX CERCA IN ComboBox_SN_CercaIn.Text = "articolo" Call DisableButton() Botton_SN_Nuovo.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Edita.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Elimina.Enabled = True Call DisableTxt() DataGrid_SN.CaptionText = "Record n. " & DataGrid_SN.CurrentRowIndex + 1 & " di " & DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale").Rows.Count Else dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dberror, MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) End End If End Sub ' NUMERO DEI RECORD Private Sub DataGrid_SN_CurrentCellChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DataGrid_SN.CurrentCellChanged DataGrid_SN.CaptionText = "Record n. " & DataGrid_SN.CurrentRowIndex + 1 & " di " & DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale").Rows.Count End Sub Sub CleartTxt() ComboBox_SN_Articolo.Text = "" ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.Text = "" TextBox_SN_Numero.Clear() DateTimePicker_SN_Data.Text = "" TextBox_SN_Seriale.Clear() TextBox_SN_CercaTesto.Text = "" End Sub Sub DisableTxt() ComboBox_SN_Articolo.Enabled = False ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.Enabled = False TextBox_SN_Numero.Enabled = False DateTimePicker_SN_Data.Enabled = False TextBox_SN_Seriale.Enabled = False End Sub Sub EnableText() ComboBox_SN_Articolo.Enabled = True ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.Enabled = True TextBox_SN_Numero.Enabled = True DateTimePicker_SN_Data.Enabled = True TextBox_SN_Seriale.Enabled = True End Sub Sub DisableButton() Botton_SN_Nuovo.Enabled = False Botton_SN_Edita.Enabled = False Botton_SN_Undo.Enabled = False Botton_SN_Salva.Enabled = False Botton_SN_Elimina.Enabled = False Botton_SN_TrovaRemove.Enabled = False End Sub ' STILE RECORD Sub Dataset_Styles() Dim stileTabellaDataGrid As New DataGridTableStyle stileTabellaDataGrid.MappingName = "pcemail_seriale" Dim stileColonne As GridColumnStylesCollection DataGrid_SN.TableStyles.Add(stileTabellaDataGrid) stileColonne = DataGrid_SN.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles stileColonne(0).Width = 0 stileColonne(1).Width = 350 stileColonne(2).Width = 250 stileColonne(3).Width = 80 stileColonne(4).Width = 70 stileColonne(5).Width = 150 stileColonne(0).HeaderText = "ID" stileColonne(1).HeaderText = "Articolo" stileColonne(2).HeaderText = "Fornitore" stileColonne(3).HeaderText = "Numero F." stileColonne(4).HeaderText = "Data F." stileColonne(5).HeaderText = "Seriale" End Sub ' VISUALIZZA I RECORD Sub Populate_Adapter_Dataset() DatPubs = New DataSet AdaptSql = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from pcemail_seriale order by articolo", ConPubs) AdaptSql.Fill(DatPubs, "pcemail_seriale") DataGrid_SN.DataSource = DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale") End Sub ' VISUALIZZA I RECORD PER TROVA Sub Populate_Adapter_Dataset_Search() DatPubs = New DataSet AdaptSql = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from pcemail_seriale where " & ComboBox_SN_CercaIn.Text & " like '%" & TextBox_SN_CercaTesto.Text & "%' order by articolo", ConPubs) AdaptSql.Fill(DatPubs, "pcemail_seriale") DataGrid_SN.DataSource = DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale") End Sub 'this will remove the data bindings to textboxes Private Sub RemoveDataBinding() Dim c As Control For Each c In GroupBox_SN_Inserisci.Controls c.DataBindings.Clear() Next c End Sub 'This function will populate the record of a certain field in a table to combo box Function Populate_Combo(ByRef cmb As ComboBox, ByVal sfield As String, ByVal stable As String) Dim DC As OleDbCommand DC = New OleDbCommand("Select " & sfield & " from " & stable & "", ConPubs) Dim dr As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = DC.ExecuteReader cmb.Items.Clear() While dr.Read cmb.Items.Add(dr("" & sfield & "")) End While dr.Close() End Function ' PULSANTE NUOVO Private Sub Botton_SN_Nuovo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Botton_SN_Nuovo.Click Call CleartTxt() Call DisableButton() Call EnableText() EditState = False Botton_SN_Salva.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Undo.Enabled = True ComboBox_SN_Articolo.Focus() End Sub ' PULSANTE SALVA Private Sub Botton_SN_Salva_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Botton_SN_Salva.Click If Len(Trim(ComboBox_SN_Articolo.Text)) = 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordobb, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) ComboBox_SN_Articolo.Focus() ElseIf Len(Trim(ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.Text)) = 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordobb, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.Focus() ElseIf Len(Trim(TextBox_SN_Numero.Text)) = 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordobb, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) TextBox_SN_Numero.Focus() ElseIf Len(Trim(DateTimePicker_SN_Data.Text)) = 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordobb, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) DateTimePicker_SN_Data.Focus() ElseIf Len(Trim(TextBox_SN_Seriale.Text)) = 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordobb, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) TextBox_SN_Seriale.Focus() Else Select Case EditState Case Is = False 'AGGIUNGI RECORD Dim DrNewRow As DataRow = DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale").NewRow Try DrNewRow("articolo") = ComboBox_SN_Articolo.Text DrNewRow("fornitore") = ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.Text DrNewRow("numero") = TextBox_SN_Numero.Text DrNewRow("data") = DateTimePicker_SN_Data.Text DrNewRow("seriale") = TextBox_SN_Seriale.Text DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale").Rows.Add(DrNewRow) Dim CommBuild As New OleDbCommandBuilder(AdaptSql) AdaptSql.Update(DatPubs, "pcemail_seriale") Catch err As Exception dbmsgbox = MsgBox(err.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) Call Populate_Adapter_Dataset() Exit Sub End Try Case Is = True ' MODIFICA RECORD Dim drEditrow As DataRow = DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale").Rows(DataGrid_SN.CurrentRowIndex) drEditrow.BeginEdit() drEditrow("articolo") = ComboBox_SN_Articolo.Text drEditrow("fornitore") = ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.Text drEditrow("numero") = TextBox_SN_Numero.Text drEditrow("data") = DateTimePicker_SN_Data.Text drEditrow("seriale") = TextBox_SN_Seriale.Text drEditrow.EndEdit() Dim CommBuild As New OleDbCommandBuilder(AdaptSql) AdaptSql.Update(DatPubs, "pcemail_seriale") End Select If EditState = True Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordupdate, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) DataGrid_SN.Enabled = True Else dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordagg, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) End If Call DisableButton() Botton_SN_Nuovo.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Edita.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Elimina.Enabled = True Call CleartTxt() Call DisableTxt() End If End Sub ' PULSANTE EDITA Private Sub Botton_SN_Edita_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Botton_SN_Edita.Click If BindingContext(DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale")).Position < 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordnot, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) Else If MsgBox(dbrecordedit, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, nameapp) = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then Call EnableText() 'Binding of data to textboxes base on the current record pointer of datagrid Me.BindingContext(DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale")).Position = DataGrid_SN.CurrentRowIndex ComboBox_SN_Articolo.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "articolo") ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "fornitore") TextBox_SN_Numero.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "numero") DateTimePicker_SN_Data.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "data") TextBox_SN_Seriale.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "seriale") Call DisableButton() Botton_SN_Salva.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Undo.Enabled = True Call RemoveDataBinding() EditState = True CurrentRecord = DataGrid_SN.CurrentRowIndex DataGrid_SN.Enabled = False End If End If End Sub ' PULDANTE UNDO Private Sub Botton_SN_Undo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Botton_SN_Undo.Click Call CleartTxt() Call DisableTxt() Call DisableButton() Botton_SN_Nuovo.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Edita.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Elimina.Enabled = True EditState = False DataGrid_SN.Enabled = True End Sub ' PULSANTE ELIMINA Private Sub Botton_SN_Elimina_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Botton_SN_Elimina.Click If BindingContext(DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale")).Position < 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordnot, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) Else If MsgBox(dbrecordcanc, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, nameapp) = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale").Rows(DataGrid_SN.CurrentRowIndex).Delete() Dim CommBuild As New OleDbCommandBuilder(AdaptSql) AdaptSql.Update(DatPubs, "pcemail_seriale") End If End If End Sub ' PULSANTE COPIA Private Sub Botton_SN_Copia_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Botton_SN_Copia.Click If BindingContext(DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale")).Position < 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordnot, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) Else If MsgBox(dbrecordcopia, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, nameapp) = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then Call EnableText() 'Binding of data to textboxes base on the current record pointer of datagrid Me.BindingContext(DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale")).Position = DataGrid_SN.CurrentRowIndex ComboBox_SN_Articolo.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "articolo") ComboBox_SN_Fornitore.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "fornitore") TextBox_SN_Numero.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "numero") DateTimePicker_SN_Data.DataBindings.Add("text", DatPubs.Tables("pcemail_seriale"), "data") Call DisableButton() Botton_SN_Salva.Enabled = True Botton_SN_Undo.Enabled = True Call RemoveDataBinding() EditState = False CurrentRecord = DataGrid_SN.CurrentRowIndex DataGrid_SN.Enabled = True End If End If End Sub ' PULSANTE CERCA Private Sub Botton_SN_Trova_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Botton_SN_Trova.Click If Len(Trim(TextBox_SN_CercaTesto.Text)) = 0 Then dbmsgbox = MsgBox(dbrecordobb, MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, nameapp) TextBox_SN_CercaTesto.Focus() Else Call Populate_Adapter_Dataset_Search() Botton_SN_TrovaRemove.Enabled = True End If End Sub ' PULSANTE RIMUOVI FILTRO CERCA Private Sub Botton_SN_TrovaRemove_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Botton_SN_TrovaRemove.Click Call Populate_Adapter_Dataset() Call CleartTxt() Botton_SN_TrovaRemove.Enabled = False End Sub End Class
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