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If MyDr.HasRows = True Then Do While MyDr.Read destinatari = MyDr.Item("email") Response.Write(destinatari & "<br>") 'Now, send the email 'Create an instance of the MailMessage class Dim objMM As New MailMessage() objMM.Fields.Add("", "") objMM.Fields.Add("", 25) objMM.Fields.Add("", 1) objMM.Fields.Add("", 1) objMM.Fields.Add("", "") objMM.Fields.Add("", "miapassword") 'Set the properties objMM.To = "" objMM.Bcc = destinatari objMM.From = "Mittente < >" 'Send the email in HTML format objMM.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html 'Set the subject objMM.Subject = oggetto 'Set the body - use VbCrLf to insert a carriage return objMM.Body = messaggio SmtpMail.Send(objMM) Loop End If
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