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Imports System.IO Imports As400Utils Public Class FormMain Public Shared sConnString As String = "" Public imgList16x16 As ImageList Public imgList64x64 As ImageList Public sPathAcrobat As String Public unitaMappata As String Public iPrimoProgrLibero As Integer Public hashFilePC As Hashtable Public hashFileIomega As Hashtable Public hashFileFiltro As Hashtable Public arrCRC32Iomega As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of String) Public arrCRC32PC As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of String) Public listaTipoTrasf As List(Of TipoTrasferimento) Public Shared dsParams As DataSet Public Sub Init() Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized dsParams = New DataSet dsParams.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath + "\Parametri.xml") ''File "civetta" la cui presenza indica che è stato affettuato l'Upgrade... 'If Not System.IO.File.Exists(Application.StartupPath & "Updated.civ") Then ' ' invece manca...Aggiorna ' AutoUpdate() 'End If labelTitoloPC.BackColor = Color.Blue labelTitoloPC.ForeColor = Color.White labelTitoloIomega.BackColor = Color.Green labelTitoloIomega.ForeColor = Color.White textFiltro.Visible = False textFiltro.Font = New Font("Verdana", 14) hashFilePC = New Hashtable hashFileIomega = New Hashtable arrCRC32Iomega = New System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of String) arrCRC32PC = New System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of String) gridPC_CurrentCellChanged(Nothing, Nothing) End Sub Public Sub AddFileToGrid(ByVal _file As FilePdf, ByVal _grid As DataGridView) Dim sNome As String = Path.GetFileName(_file.PathFile & "\" & _file.NomeFile) _grid.Rows.Add(New DataGridViewRow) Dim i As Integer = _grid.Rows.Count - 1 _grid.Rows(i).Cells("colFile").Value = sNome If _grid.Name = "gridIomega" Then 'Aggiungo riga a GridIomega Dim cella As DataGridViewButtonCell = _grid.Rows(i).Cells("colPulsante") cella.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = False Dim sData As String = (Format(_file.DataCreazione, "dd/MM/yyyy")).ToString _grid.Rows(i).Cells("colData").Value = sData Dim stile As New DataGridViewCellStyle If _file.Commento = "" Then stile.BackColor = Color.Red _grid.Rows(i).Cells("colNota").Style = stile cella.Value = "" Else stile.BackColor = Color.GreenYellow _grid.Rows(i).Cells("colNota").Style = stile cella.Value = "nota" End If If Not _file.TipoTrasferimento Is Nothing Then Dim cellaTipoUpload As DataGridViewCell = _grid.Rows(i).Cells("coltipoTrasf") cellaTipoUpload.Value = _file.TipoTrasferimento.Descrizione End If Else 'Aggiungo riga a GridPc Try Dim cella As DataGridViewComboBoxCell = _grid.Rows(i).Cells("colCombo") cella.DataSource = listaTipoTrasf cella.DisplayMember = "Descrizione" cella.ValueMember = "Id" Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ATTENZIONE...") MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace, "ATTENZIONE...") End Try End If End Sub Public Function GetObjFilePdf(ByVal riga As DataRow) As FilePdf Dim f As New FilePdf f.Id = Integer.Parse(riga(0)) f.PartitaIva = riga(1) f.PathFile = unitaMappata & ":\" f.NomeFile = riga(2) 'commenti.commento If riga(3) Is DBNull.Value Then f.Commento = "" Else f.Commento = riga(3) End If f.CRC32 = GetCRC32(f.PathFile & f.NomeFile) f.DataCreazione = riga(4) f.DataModifica = riga(5) 'commenti.utente If IsDBNull(riga(8)) Then f.Utente = "" Else f.Utente = riga(8) End If 'commenti.id_tipo_trasferimento If Not IsDBNull(riga(9)) Then 'Ha oggetto figlio (tipo_trasferimento) Dim tt As New TipoTrasferimento tt.Id = riga(9) tt.Codice = riga(11) tt.Descrizione = riga(12) f.IdTipoTrasferimento = tt.Id f.TipoTrasferimento = tt End If Return f End Function Public Sub InitProgrBar(ByVal bShow As Boolean, Optional ByVal sTesto As String = "", Optional ByVal iMin As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal iMax As Integer = 0) labelProgressBar.Visible = bShow labelProgressBar.Text = sTesto prbar.Visible = bShow prbar.Minimum = iMin prbar.Maximum = iMax End Sub Public Sub FillListaIomega(Optional ByVal _sqry As String = "") Dim sQry As String = "" If _sqry = "" Then sQry = "SELECT * " & _ "FROM commenti as c LEFT JOIN tipo_trasferimento as tt ON (c.id_tipo_trasferimento = " & _ "WHERE p_iva = '" & My.Application.CommandLineArgs(0) & "' ORDER BY nome_file" Else sQry = _sqry End If sConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & unitaMappata & ":\CommentiCGINFP.mdb" Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter = QueryUtils.QuerySelect(sQry, sConnString) Dim dt As New DataTable("Commenti") da.Fill(dt) InitProgrBar(True, "Inizializzazione in corso...", 0, dt.Rows.Count) iPrimoProgrLibero = 0 For Each riga As DataRow In dt.Rows Dim f As FilePdf = GetObjFilePdf(riga) 'Popolo la lista Iomega hashFileIomega.Add(gridIomega.Rows.Count, f) AddFileToGrid(f, gridIomega) arrCRC32Iomega.Add(f.CRC32) Dim sFile As String = f.PathFile & f.NomeFile Dim sProgr As String = sFile.Substring(20).Substring(0, sFile.Substring(20).LastIndexOf(".")) If Integer.Parse(sProgr) > iPrimoProgrLibero Then iPrimoProgrLibero = Integer.Parse(sProgr) End If prbar.Increment(1) Next iPrimoProgrLibero += 1 InitProgrBar(False) End Sub Public Function GetObjTipoTrasferimento(ByVal riga As DataRow) As TipoTrasferimento Dim tt As New TipoTrasferimento tt.Id = riga(0) tt.Codice = riga(1) tt.Descrizione = riga(2) tt.Predefinito = riga(3) Return tt End Function Public Function GetCRC32(ByVal sFileName As String) As String Try Dim FS As FileStream = New FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 8192) Dim CRC32Result As Integer = &HFFFFFFFF Dim Buffer(4096) As Byte Dim ReadSize As Integer = 4096 Dim Count As Integer = FS.Read(Buffer, 0, ReadSize) Dim CRC32Table(256) As Integer Dim DWPolynomial As Integer = &HEDB88320 Dim DWCRC As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer 'Create CRC32 Table For i = 0 To 255 DWCRC = i For j = 8 To 1 Step -1 If (DWCRC And 1) Then DWCRC = ((DWCRC And &HFFFFFFFE) \ 2&) And &H7FFFFFFF DWCRC = DWCRC Xor DWPolynomial Else DWCRC = ((DWCRC And &HFFFFFFFE) \ 2&) And &H7FFFFFFF End If Next j CRC32Table(i) = DWCRC Next i 'Calcualting CRC32 Hash Do While (Count > 0) For i = 0 To Count - 1 n = (CRC32Result And &HFF) Xor Buffer(i) CRC32Result = ((CRC32Result And &HFFFFFF00) \ &H100) And &HFFFFFF CRC32Result = CRC32Result Xor CRC32Table(n) Next i Count = FS.Read(Buffer, 0, ReadSize) Loop Return Hex(Not (CRC32Result)) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace) Return "" End Try End Function End Class
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