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public partial class UserRegistration : PageBaseClass { protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["registrazione"] == null) Response.Redirect("~/registra.aspx"); if (!_website.AllowUserSelfRegistration) Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx", true); createUserWizard.CreatedUser += new EventHandler(createUserWizard_CreatedUser); } void createUserWizard_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e) { string azienda; string contatto; string indirizzo; string cap; string citta; string telefono; //Send email to user for verifying account MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(createUserWizard.UserName); string url = string.Concat("http://", Request.Url.Authority, Response.ApplyAppPathModifier("~/Login.aspx?activate=")); MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(_website.MailSenderAddress, user.Email); mail.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; mail.Subject = string.Format(Resources.StringsRes.pge_UserRegistration_ActivationEmailSubject, _website.WebSiteTitle); mail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; mail.IsBodyHtml = false; mail.Body = string.Format(Resources.StringsRes.pge_UserRegistration_ActivationEmailBody, _website.WebSiteTitle, url, user.ProviderUserKey.ToString()); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(_website.SmtpServer); //when Smtp user/password/domain is given, SMTP-Authentication has to be used if (_website.SmtpUser != "" && _website.SmtpPassword != "" && _website.SmtpDomain != "") { client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_website.SmtpUser, _website.SmtpPassword, _website.SmtpDomain); } client.Send(mail); SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient(); if (Session["azienda"] != null) { azienda = Session["azienda"].ToString(); } else { azienda = ""; } if (Session["contatto"] != null) { contatto = Session["contatto"].ToString(); } else { contatto = ""; } if (Session["indirizzo"] != null) { indirizzo = Session["indirizzo"].ToString(); } else { indirizzo = ""; } if (Session["cap"] != null) { cap = Session["cap"].ToString(); } else { cap = ""; } if (Session["citta"] != null) { citta = Session["citta"].ToString(); } else { citta = ""; } if (Session["telefono"] != null) { telefono = Session["telefono"].ToString(); } else { telefono = ""; } //Send email to user for verifying account MailMessage messaggio = new MailMessage(); messaggio.From = new MailAddress("", ""); // messaggio.To.Add(new MailAddress(dr["mailinterne"].ToString())); messaggio.To.Add(new MailAddress("")); messaggio.Subject = "NUOVA RICHIESTA DOWNLOAD"; messaggio.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; messaggio.Body += "<p>Nome Azienda: " + Server.HtmlEncode(azienda); messaggio.Body += "<br>Persona da contattare: " + Server.HtmlEncode(contatto); messaggio.Body += "<br>Indirizzo: " + Server.HtmlEncode(indirizzo); messaggio.Body += "<br>cap: " + Server.HtmlEncode(cap); messaggio.Body += "<br>città: " + Server.HtmlEncode(citta); messaggio.Body += "<br>telefono: " + Server.HtmlEncode(telefono); messaggio.Body += "<br>utente: " + Server.HtmlEncode(createUserWizard.UserName); messaggio.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; messaggio.IsBodyHtml = true; if (_website.SmtpUser != "" && _website.SmtpPassword != "" && _website.SmtpDomain != "") { client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_website.SmtpUser, _website.SmtpPassword, _website.SmtpDomain); } sc.Send(messaggio); Session["registrazione"] = null; } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { (createUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("EmailRegexValidator") as RegularExpressionValidator).ValidationExpression = Validation.EmailRegex; } } }
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