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Do For e = 0 To 255 If GetAsyncKeyState(e) <> 0 Then If Not (e >= 48 AndAlso e <= 57) And Not (e >= 96 AndAlso e <= 105) Then m = 0 Else If e >= 48 AndAlso e <= 57 Then NumeroDigitato = CType(DirectCast(e, Keys).ToString.Replace("D", String.Empty), Int32) If NumeroDigitato.ToString = pos(m) Then m += 1 Else : m = 0 End If End If If e >= 96 AndAlso e <= 105 Then NumeroDigitato = CType(DirectCast(e, Keys).ToString.Replace("NumPad", String.Empty), Int32) If NumeroDigitato.ToString = pos(m) Then m += 1 Else : m = 0 End If End If End If End If If m = Len(pwctrl) Then If Form1.Visible Then unlock() m = 0 Else lock() m = 0 End If End If Next e Threading.Thread.Sleep(250) Loop
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