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Option Explicit Public Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Byte, ByRef source As Byte, ByVal Length As Integer) 'This is a 1 run method Private OutStream() As Byte Private OutPos As Long Private OutBitCount As Integer Private OutByteBuf As Byte Private Const MaxBits = 24 'at 16 bits precision is not high enough Private BitsetPreset(255, 7) As Integer Private IndexPreSet(255, 7) As Integer Public Sub Compress_ArithMetic_DMC(ByteArray() As Byte) Dim InpPos As Long Dim LowValue As Long Dim HighValue As Long Dim RangValue As Long Dim MidValue As Long Dim Char As Byte Dim X As Integer Dim Y As Integer Dim Bitset As Integer Dim Index As Integer Dim TopBit As Long Dim One(256) As Long Dim Zero(256) As Long Call Init_Ari_Bit2 LowValue = 0 HighValue = (2 ^ MaxBits) - 1 TopBit = 2 ^ (MaxBits - 1) InpPos = 0 Index = -1 For X = 0 To 256 One(X) = 1 Zero(X) = 1 Next For Y = 0 To 255 For X = 0 To 7 BitsetPreset(Y, X) = (Y And (2 ^ (7 - X))) And &HFF IndexPreSet(Y, X) = (1 * (2 ^ X)) - 1 + Int(Y / (2 ^ (8 - X))) Next Next Do If InpPos > UBound(ByteArray) Then Exit Do Else Char = ByteArray(InpPos) InpPos = InpPos + 1 End If For X = 0 To 7 Bitset = BitsetPreset(Char, X) Index = IndexPreSet(Char, X) ' Bitset = (Char And (2 ^ (7 - X))) And &HFF ' Index = (1 * (2 ^ X)) - 1 + Int(Char / (2 ^ (8 - X))) RangValue = HighValue - LowValue MidValue = LowValue + (RangValue * (Zero(Index) / (One(Index) + Zero(Index)))) If MidValue = LowValue Then MidValue = MidValue + 1 If MidValue = HighValue - 1 Then MidValue = MidValue - 1 If Bitset > 0 Then LowValue = MidValue One(Index) = One(Index) + 1 Else HighValue = MidValue Zero(Index) = Zero(Index) + 1 End If 'If AritmaticRescale = True Then If One(Index) > 127 Or Zero(Index) > 127 Then One(Index) = Int(One(Index) / 2) + 1 Zero(Index) = Int(Zero(Index) / 2) + 1 End If 'End If Do While (HighValue And TopBit) = (LowValue And TopBit) Or LowValue > HighValue - 255 If (LowValue And TopBit) = 0 Then Call AddBitsToOutStream(0, 1) Else Call AddBitsToOutStream(1, 1) End If HighValue = (HighValue And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 + 1 LowValue = (LowValue And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 If LowValue >= HighValue Then HighValue = (2 ^ MaxBits) - 1 Loop Next Loop For X = MaxBits - 1 To 0 Step -1 If (LowValue And 2 ^ X) = 0 Then Call AddBitsToOutStream(0, 1) Else Call AddBitsToOutStream(1, 1) End If Next Do While OutBitCount > 0 Call AddBitsToOutStream(1, 1) Loop ReDim ByteArray(OutPos - 1) Call CopyMem(ByteArray(0), OutStream(0), OutPos) End Sub Public Sub DeCompress_ArithMetic_DMC(ByteArray() As Byte) Dim InpPos As Long Dim InBitPos As Integer Dim LowValue As Long Dim HighValue As Long Dim RangValue As Long Dim MidValue As Long Dim Value As Long Dim Char As Byte Dim X As Integer Dim Index As Integer Dim EOF_State As Boolean Dim TopBit As Long Dim One(256) As Long Dim Zero(256) As Long Call Init_Ari_Bit2 LowValue = 0 HighValue = (2 ^ MaxBits) - 1 TopBit = 2 ^ (MaxBits - 1) InpPos = 0 Value = ReadBitsFromArray(ByteArray, InpPos, InBitPos, MaxBits) Index = -1 For X = 0 To 256 One(X) = 1 Zero(X) = 1 Next Do Char = 0 For X = 0 To 7 Index = (1 * (2 ^ X)) - 1 + Char RangValue = HighValue - LowValue MidValue = LowValue + (RangValue * (Zero(Index) / (One(Index) + Zero(Index)))) If MidValue = LowValue Then MidValue = MidValue + 1 If MidValue = HighValue - 1 Then MidValue = MidValue - 1 If Value >= MidValue Then Char = Char + Char + 1 LowValue = MidValue One(Index) = One(Index) + 1 Else Char = Char + Char HighValue = MidValue Zero(Index) = Zero(Index) + 1 End If 'If AritmaticRescale = True Then If One(Index) > 127 Or Zero(Index) > 127 Then One(Index) = Int(One(Index) / 2) + 1 Zero(Index) = Int(Zero(Index) / 2) + 1 End If 'End If Do While (HighValue And TopBit) = (LowValue And TopBit) Or LowValue > HighValue - 255 If (LowValue And TopBit) = 1 Then Char = Char End If If InpPos = UBound(ByteArray) Then Value = (Value And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 + ReadBitsFromArray(ByteArray, InpPos, InBitPos, 1) HighValue = (HighValue And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 + 1 LowValue = (LowValue And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 If LowValue >= HighValue Then HighValue = (2 ^ MaxBits) - 1 Else EOF_State = True Exit Do End If Loop If EOF_State = True Then Exit Do Next Call AddCharToArray(OutStream, OutPos, Char) Loop ReDim ByteArray(OutPos - 1) Call CopyMem(ByteArray(0), OutStream(0), OutPos) End Sub Private Sub Init_Ari_Bit2() Dim X As Integer ReDim OutStream(500) OutPos = 0 OutBitCount = 0 OutByteBuf = 0 End Sub Private Sub AddBitsToOutStream(Number As Long, Numbits As Integer) Dim X As Long For X = Numbits - 1 To 0 Step -1 OutByteBuf = OutByteBuf * 2 + (-1 * ((Number And CDbl(2 ^ X)) > 0)) OutBitCount = OutBitCount + 1 If OutBitCount = 8 Then OutStream(OutPos) = OutByteBuf OutBitCount = 0 OutByteBuf = 0 OutPos = OutPos + 1 If OutPos > UBound(OutStream) Then ReDim Preserve OutStream(OutPos + 500) End If End If Next End Sub 'this function will return a value out of the amaunt of bits you asked for Private Function ReadBitsFromArray(FromArray() As Byte, FromPos As Long, FromBit As Integer, Numbits As Integer) As Long Dim X As Integer Dim Temp As Long For X = 1 To Numbits Temp = Temp * 2 + (-1 * ((FromArray(FromPos) And 2 ^ (7 - FromBit)) > 0)) FromBit = FromBit + 1 If FromBit = 8 Then If FromPos + 1 > UBound(FromArray) Then Do While X < Numbits Temp = Temp * 2 X = X + 1 Loop FromPos = FromPos + 1 Exit For End If FromPos = FromPos + 1 FromBit = 0 End If Next ReadBitsFromArray = Temp End Function 'this sub will add a char into the outputstream Private Sub AddCharToArray(Toarray() As Byte, ToPos As Long, Char As Byte) If ToPos > UBound(Toarray) Then ReDim Preserve Toarray(ToPos + 500) Toarray(ToPos) = Char ToPos = ToPos + 1 End Sub
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