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Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices 'strutture per recuperare le informazioni sulla porta (per ora mi basta PORT_INFO_1) Public Structure PORT_INFO_1 Dim pPortName As String End Structure Public Structure PORT_INFO_2 Dim pPortName As String Dim pMonitorName As String Dim pDescription As String Dim fPortType As Integer Dim Reserved As Integer End Structure 'aggiunge una porta Public Declare Function AddPortEx Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "AddPortExA" (ByVal pName As String, ByVal pLevel As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As _ PORT_INFO_1, ByVal pMonitorName As String) As Integer 'recupera l'elenco di porte installate 'EnumPorts member descriptions: 'pName: String specifying the name of the server whose 'printer ports you wish to enumerate. If pName is 'vbNullString, the function enumerates the local 'machine's printer ports. 'nLevel: Specifies the type of information returned in 'the lpbPorts buffer. If nLevel is 1, lpbPorts receives 'an array of PORT_INFO_1 structures. If nLevel is 2, 'lpbPorts receives an array of PORT_INFO_2 structures. 'lpbPorts: Pointer to a buffer that receives an array of 'PORT_INFO_1 or PORT_INFO_2 structures. Each structure 'contains data that describes an available printer port. 'The buffer must be large enough to store the strings 'pointed to by the structure members. 'cbBuf: the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by lpbPorts. 'pcbNeeded: receives the number of bytes copied to the lpbPorts 'buffer. If the the buffer is too small, the function fails and 'the variable receives the number of bytes required. 'pcReturned: variable that receives the number of PORT_INFO_1 or 'PORT_INFO_2 structures returned in the pPorts buffer. This 'corresponds to the number of printer ports that are available 'on the specified machine. Declare Function EnumPorts Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumPortsA" _ (ByVal pName As String, ByVal Level As Integer, ByVal lpbPorts As IntPtr, _ ByVal cbBuf As Integer, ByRef pcbNeeded As Integer, ByRef pcReturned As Integer) As Integer 'controlla se la porta esiste, altrimenti la crea Private Sub AddPort(ByVal PortName As String) Dim ret, pcbNeeded, pcReturned As Integer Dim TempBuff As IntPtr, i As Short Dim FoundedPorts() As PORT_INFO_1 'elenco delle porte trovate Dim Found As Boolean = False 'indica se la porta è già installata Try 'NOTA: modifica del codice proposto su utilizzando PORT_INFO_1 anziché PORT_INFO_2 ' Make the first call to the function ret = EnumPorts("", 1, TempBuff, 0, pcbNeeded, pcReturned) ' Set the size of the pointer to return the data based upon the size of the buffer required TempBuff = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(pcbNeeded + 1) ' Make the call again with the buffer set ret = EnumPorts("", 1, TempBuff, pcbNeeded, pcbNeeded, pcReturned) ' Determine whether the call was successful If ret Then ' Set the pointer to process as the first one returned Dim CurrentPort As IntPtr = TempBuff ' Re-dimension the array of port structures ReDim FoundedPorts(pcReturned) ' Loop through the results For i = 1 To pcReturned ' Convert the pointer to a structure FoundedPorts(i) = Marshal.PtrToStructure(CurrentPort, GetType(PORT_INFO_1)) If FoundedPorts(i).pPortName = PortName Then Found = True End If ' Obtain the next port pointer from the buffer CurrentPort = IntPtr.op_Explicit(CurrentPort.ToInt32 + Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(PORT_INFO_1))) Next End If FoundedPorts = Nothing If Not Found Then 'se la porta non esiste già, viene aggiunta Dim Port As New PORT_INFO_1 Port.pPortName = PortName AddPortEx(Nothing, 1, Port, "Local Port") End If Catch ex As Exception 'gli errori andranno gestiti dal chiamante Throw ex End Try End Sub
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