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Public Class Classe_Ana_Valutatori Public Function FindValutatori(ByVal codice_valut As Nullable(Of Integer), ByVal nome_valut As String, ByVal cognome_valut As String) As List(Of FoundDatiValut) Dim findvalut As New List(Of FoundDatiValut) Try Using connection As New OnEntities Dim query = From Valut In connection.T_ANA_VALUTATORI _ Where (Valut.VALUT_CODICE = codice_valut Or codice_valut Is Nothing) And (Valut.VALUT_NOME = nome_valut Or nome_valut = " ") And _ (Valut.VALUT_COGNOME = cognome_valut Or cognome_valut = " ") _ Select Codice = Valut.VALUT_CODICE, Nome = Valut.VALUT_NOME,Cognome = Valut.VALUT_COGNOME, Stato = Valut.VALUT_STATO Dim lista = query.ToList() Dim m As New mapper(Of FoundDatiValut) findvalut = m.mappa(lista) Return findvalut End Using Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Errore", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Class mapper(Of OutType) Public Function mappa(ByVal list As IList) As List(Of OutType) Dim pInfosFrom(), pInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Dim i, j As Integer Dim objClass, objVal As Object Dim retList As New List(Of OutType) Dim tipo As Type = GetType(OutType) For i = 0 To list.Count - 1 pInfosFrom = list(i).GetType.GetProperties() objClass = tipo.Assembly.CreateInstance(tipo.FullName) For j = 0 To pInfosFrom.Length - 1 pInfo = tipo.GetProperty(pInfosFrom(j).Name) If Not pInfo Is Nothing Then objVal = pInfosFrom(j).GetValue(list(i), Nothing) If pInfo.PropertyType Is GetType(Nullable) Then Else pInfo.SetValue(objClass, objVal, Nothing) End If End If Next retList.Add(CType(objClass, OutType)) Next Return retList End Function End Class Public Class FoundDatiValut Public _Codice As Nullable(Of Integer) Public Property Codice() As Nullable(Of Integer) Get Return _Codice End Get Set(ByVal value As Nullable(Of Integer)) _Codice = value End Set End Property Public _Nome As String Public Property Nome() As String Get Return _Nome End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _Nome = value End Set End Property Public _Cognome As String Public Property Cognome() As String Get Return _Cognome End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _Cognome = value End Set End Property Public _Stato As String Public Property Stato() As String Get Return _Stato End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _Stato = value End Set End Property End Class End Class
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