Cross reference table: zero decimals in totals percentage

lunedì 27 novembre 2006 - 14.34

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

Hi, I have a cross reference table, in the Totals field I can set the number of decimals by right-clicking the field and selecting the number of decimals I want, but I can't do that for the Percentage totals field, I right-click the field and select the format but when I generate the report it doesn't update that field, the number of decimals seems to be hard-coded for this field, where do you set it?

freeteo Profilo | Guru

it's a strange thing, and don't happen to me...but i was thinking: "what about regional setting of the computer that runs the report?"
Look inside control panel could be a good idea...i'm not shure but probably behaviour could depends on it...

Matteo Raumer
[MCAD .net]

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

I checked the regional settings and are ok
Do you have some formula defined for the field? Because in the examples report there's a cross tab and has NO formula and it works fine!!!!!!!!!!! I can't figure out how they do it.
This is driving me crazy because I've got this other answer in another forum:

"It's a limitation of crosstabs (and pie charts) that CR can't show decimal precision with percent values. If you're using CR 9 or higher you can use the Display String functionality (found on the Common tab of the Format dialog) to show the decimal precision you need. Usually a simple ToText formula that correctly formats the current field value is all that's needed"

But I defined a formula as he recommends, doing this:
if CurrentFieldValue <=1.0
then ToText(CurrentFieldValue, 3)
else if CurrentFieldValue > 1.0
then ToText(CurrentFieldValue, 2)

and it now SHOWS the decimals but with a value of ZERO.
So where before I had a 0% now I have a 0.000%

freeteo Profilo | Guru

try with this:
totext({field}, "0.00")
in this way u specify the number of decimal, using a "format string" for number...

Matteo Raumer
[MCAD .net]

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

didn't work

Now I found this
The Track/Problem ID is: ADAPT00104013.

It's a known problem first noticed in CR 9, My theory is that it's solved for CR 11 but not for the spanish version which is the one I have. I think that I'll install the english version next time (I have a trial version which expires in a few days). I suppose you have the italian CR 11 or CR 10 version and that version also works fine but not the spanish one, that's my theory...
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