Generare documentazione

giovedì 08 febbraio 2007 - 14.36

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

Hi, I'll try to start writing in italian...
Is there a way to generate tables documentation in CR?
It would be great if it could generate for each table from a report, which are all the fields of that table, the field types, for the fields which are the possible values for example if they are String fields the values those string could take, etc

freeteo Profilo | Guru

>Hi, I'll try to start writing in italian...
good idea, but english is the same...

>Is there a way to generate tables documentation in CR?
no, it's a missing feature of thre report, on the businessobjects's website there are a lot of strange and complicated things to do it, but they really bad...

>It would be great if it could generate for each table from a
>report, which are all the fields of that table, the field types,
>for the fields which are the possible values for example if they
>are String fields the values those string could take, etc
the only thing i can tell u, is to "use groups".With groups crystal generate the nodes on the left that can help the user to navigate across the document...


Matteo Raumer
[MCAD .net]
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