Nearest to a fixed value

venerdì 27 aprile 2007 - 12.36

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

Hi! I'm trying to solve this:
I have this table
PatientID DateIni Dateend Days
For each PatientID there are many Dateend but only one DateIni.
Days is the difference between Dateend and DateIni.
I need to find for each PatientID the Dateend which Days value is nearest to 365.

So for each PatientID I can have 3 cases:
1.For all the Dateend all the Days value are less than 365 return the greatest Dateend
2. There are Dateend which Days value is less than 365 and other which are greater than 365, return the greatest Dateend that's less than 365
3. All the Dateend have all the Days value greater than 365 return the less Dateend
I could GROUP BY Patientid and if for each PatientID there's at least one Dateend which Days <365 return MAX(Dateend) else return MIN (Dateend)
But I can't manage to loop in each group and can't create that groups for looping

alx_81 Profilo | Guru

>Hi! I'm trying to solve this:
>I have this table
>PatientID DateIni Dateend Days
>For each PatientID there are many Dateend but only one DateIni.
>Days is the difference between Dateend and DateIni.
>I need to find for each PatientID the Dateend which Days value
>is nearest to 365.
>So for each PatientID I can have 3 cases:
>1.For all the Dateend all the Days value are less than 365 return
>the greatest Dateend
>2. There are Dateend which Days value is less than 365 and other
>which are greater than 365, return the greatest Dateend that's
>less than 365
>3. All the Dateend have all the Days value greater than 365 return
>the less Dateend
>I could GROUP BY Patientid and if for each PatientID there's
>at least one Dateend which Days <365 return MAX(Dateend) else
>return MIN (Dateend)
>But I can't manage to loop in each group and can't create that
>groups for looping
tell us what's your dbms, pls..

Alx81 =)

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

I'm in InterBase 7.5, But in most of my problems I just need to use SQL statements that are common to SQL Server without (I hope) having to change it a lot..

Don't worry about my last post, it's solved by this:

select T1.PatientID, T1.DateIni, min(T1.Dateend) , min(T1.Days) from MyTable T1 where not exists(select * from MyTable T2 where T2.PatientID = T1.PatientID and T2.Days between T1.Days+1 and 365) group by 1, 2
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