Jin su un Select Grouped By

sabato 03 giugno 2006 - 14.27

aabruzzese Profilo | Junior Member

Ciao a tutti,

Sto cercando si e possibile di fare un JOIN con un Grouped By Select.

FROM forumThreads where forumThreads.psRelTopId > 0
GROUP BY forumThreads.psRelTopId

Questa query risulta in un psRelTopId e vorei rintraciare la colonna
psSubject di questa righa.

come si po aggiungere un JOIN in questo caso, sto cerdando di sapere
si e possibile di farlo con un solo select invece di usarne due.

Questo e compresso in un Stored Procedure.

Angelo Abruzzese

lbenaglia Profilo | Guru

>Sto cercando si e possibile di fare un JOIN con un Grouped By

Ciao Angelo,

1) Quale DBMS stai utilizzando?
2) Posta la struttura delle tabelle (CREATE TABLE), alcune righe di prova (INSERT INTO) ed il result set che vuoi ottenere.


Lorenzo Benaglia
Microsoft MVP - SQL Server

aabruzzese Profilo | Junior Member

Ciao Lorenzo,

MSSQL 2005 Express Edition.

Questa e la Sql Table:

USE [master]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[forumThreads] Script Date: 06/03/2006 06:35:23 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[forumThreads](
[psId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[psRelTopId] [int] NULL,
[psName] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[psEmail] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[psSubject] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[psPost] [text] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[psDate] [datetime] NULL,
[psRelBcId] [int] NULL,
[psLastUpdate] [datetime] NULL,
[psIP] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[psViews] [int] NULL,
[psSticky] [char](1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_forumThreads_psSticky] DEFAULT ('n')


Questo e un essempio dei dati:

SELECT psId, psRelTopId, psSubject
FROM forumThreads

psId psRelTopId psSubject
----------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 0 Where do you play Online ?
11 0 Poker Night at Gina's during the Month of April
3 0 Forum rules
12 0 Black Hawk - Isle of Capri
13 0 UltimateBet.net
16 0 Test in Poker Beginners
17 16 RE: Test in Poker Beginners
18 16 RE: Test in Poker Beginners

Quello che sto cercando e di fare un return dal Stored Procedure con il valore "Test in Poker Beginners "

Questa e una Table da un Forum quando si vedi psRelTopId = 0 vuol dire che il Thread non a risposte, quindi il where forumthreads.psRelTopId > 0 entro il Select.

Angelo Abruzzese

lbenaglia Profilo | Guru

>Quello che sto cercando e di fare un return dal Stored Procedure
>con il valore "Test in Poker Beginners "
>Questa e una Table da un Forum quando si vedi psRelTopId = 0
>vuol dire che il Thread non a risposte, quindi il where forumthreads.psRelTopId > 0
>entro il Select.

Argh, non riesci ad essere un po' più chiaro (anche per quanto riguarda l'italiano)?!
Nel tuo esempio solo il thread con psId = 16 ha risposte. Nel caso esistano altri threads con almeno una risposta cosa vuoi ottenere in output?

Lorenzo Benaglia
Microsoft MVP - SQL Server

aabruzzese Profilo | Junior Member


Son pui di venti anni che non scrivo pui in Italiano, spero che questo lo poi capire.


-- =============================================
-- Author: Angelo Abruzzese
-- Create date:
-- Description:
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[getForumStats]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@UsersWithThreads int OUTPUT,
@NumberofThreads int OUTPUT,
@NumberofPosts int OUTPUT,
@NewThreads int OUTPUT,
@NewPosts int OUTPUT,
@NewUsers int OUTPUT,
@MostViews varchar OUTPUT,
@EndTime datetime
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
DECLARE @SQLUsersWithThreads int;
DECLARE @SQLNumberofThreads int;
DECLARE @SQLNumberofPosts int;
DECLARE @SQLNewThreads int;
DECLARE @SQLNewPosts int;
DECLARE @SQLNewUsers int;
DECLARE @SQLMostViews varchar;

SET @SQLUsersWithThreads = (SELECT Count(Distinct PSNAME) FROM forumThreads);
SET @SQLNumberofThreads = (SELECT Count(*) FROM forumThreads where PsRelTopId = 0);
SET @SQLNumberofPosts = (SELECT Count(*) FROM forumThreads);
SET @SQLNewThreads = (SELECT Count(*) FROM forumThreads where psDate >= @EndTime and PsRelTopId = 0);
SET @SQLNewPosts = (SELECT Count(*) FROM forumThreads where psDate >= @EndTime);
SET @SQLNewUsers = (SELECT Count(*) FROM aspnet_Membership where CreateDate >= @EndTime);
SET @SQLMostViews = (SELECT TOP 1 psSubject FROM forumThreads order by psViews desc);

SET @UsersWithThreads=@SQLUsersWithThreads;
SET @NumberofThreads=@SQLNumberofThreads;
SET @NumberofPosts=@SQLNumberofPosts;
SET @NewThreads=@SQLNewThreads;
SET @NewPosts=@SQLNewPosts;
SET @NewUsers=@SQLNewUsers;
SET @MostViews=@SQLMostViews;


Questa e la Stored Procedure.

Diciamo questo.

La Stored Procedure mi risponda con il Thread con pui risposte dei altri.

PsRelTopId = 0 vuol dire che la Righe non e attached(associated) ad un altra.

psId = 16 -----> Post #16 in the Forums
psRelTopId = 16 ----> Una Risposta a Post #16

Nel mio caso soltanto psId = 16 a delle risposte.

Angelo Abruzzese

lbenaglia Profilo | Guru

>Son pui di venti anni che non scrivo pui in Italiano, spero che
>questo lo poi capire.

OK, se preferisci puoi scrivere in inglese

>La Stored Procedure mi risponda con il Thread con pui risposte
>dei altri.

E se 2 o più threads hanno lo stesso numero di risposte cosa vuoi ottenere in output?

> Nel mio caso soltanto psId = 16 a delle risposte.

Ho capito, ma difficilmente in un forum avrai solo un thread con alcune risposte

Lorenzo Benaglia
Microsoft MVP - SQL Server

aabruzzese Profilo | Junior Member

Yes of course it would be rare to have only a few threads with replies, the main thing is that this a still in development so I don't expect that.

The Top 1 as a returned row even if there are two rows that qualify.

So if psId = 16 has 2 replies and psId = 24 has 2 replies , the stored procedure should return the subject associated to psId = 16.

Angelo Abruzzese

lbenaglia Profilo | Guru

>So if psId = 16 has 2 replies and psId = 24 has 2 replies , the
>stored procedure should return the subject associated to psId
>= 16.

Angelo, have a look to this code:

USE tempdb; GO CREATE TABLE dbo.forumThreads( psId int NOT NULL, psRelTopId int NULL, psSubject varchar(255) NULL ); GO INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(5, 0, 'Where do you play Online?'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(11, 0, 'Poker Night at Gina''s during the Month of April'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(3, 0, 'Forum rules'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(12, 0,'Black Hawk - Isle of Capri'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(13, 0, 'UltimateBet.net'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(14, 13, 'RE: UltimateBet.net'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(15, 0, 'T-SQL Programming'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(16, 0, 'Test in Poker Beginners'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(17, 16, 'RE: Test in Poker Beginners'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(18, 16, 'RE: Test in Poker Beginners'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(19, 15, 'RE: T-SQL Programming'); INSERT dbo.forumThreads VALUES(20, 15, 'RE: T-SQL Programming'); GO /* This query gets the number of answers for every thread */ SELECT psRelTopId, COUNT(*) AS Answers FROM dbo.forumThreads WHERE psRelTopId > 0 GROUP BY psRelTopId; GO /* Output: psRelTopId Answers ----------- ----------- 13 1 15 2 16 2 (3 row(s) affected) */ /* I have to get the first thread with most answers (psRelTopId = 15). ** I can achieve this result ordering the result set in descending order ** by the number of answers and in ascending order by psRelTopId and ** getting only the first row */ SELECT TOP 1 psRelTopId, COUNT(*) AS Answers FROM forumThreads WHERE psRelTopId > 0 GROUP BY psRelTopId ORDER BY Answers DESC, psRelTopId; GO /* Output: psRelTopId Answers ----------- ----------- 15 2 (1 row(s) affected) */ /* OK, and now I need a simple INNER JOIN with the base table ** to get the Subject */ SELECT T.psSubject FROM dbo.forumThreads AS T JOIN ( SELECT TOP 1 psRelTopId, COUNT(*) AS Answers FROM forumThreads WHERE psRelTopId > 0 GROUP BY psRelTopId ORDER BY Answers DESC, psRelTopId ) AS Q ON T.psId = Q.psRelTopId; GO /* Output: psSubject ------------------- T-SQL Programming (1 row(s) affected) */ DROP TABLE dbo.forumThreads;


Lorenzo Benaglia
Microsoft MVP - SQL Server

aabruzzese Profilo | Junior Member

Ciao Lorenzo,

That may well work but it seems like a bit of overkill, how would that perform under load?

I made a temporary solution for now:

SET @SQLMostViewedThread =
FROM forumThreads where forumThreads.psRelTopId > 0
GROUP BY forumThreads.psRelTopId)

SET @SQLMostViews =
FROM forumThreads where forumThreads.psId = @SQLMostViewedThread)

This is quick and dirty and sometimes Good Enough is just that Good Enough.

Grazie del auito.

Angelo Abruzzese

lbenaglia Profilo | Guru

>That may well work but it seems like a bit of overkill, how would
>that perform under load?

It will perform very well if your index policy will be right.

> I made a temporary solution for now:
> SET @SQLMostViewedThread =
> (SELECT Top 1
> forumThreads.psRelTopId
> FROM forumThreads where forumThreads.psRelTopId > 0
> GROUP BY forumThreads.psRelTopId)
> SET @SQLMostViews =
> forumThreads.psSubject
> FROM forumThreads where forumThreads.psId = @SQLMostViewedThread)

This solution is not correct because your first query does not return *THE FIRST* thread with the maximum number of answers!!
If you execute your query with my last data, you get psRelTopId = 13 that is a mistake!

>This is quick and dirty and sometimes Good Enough is just that
>Good Enough.

No, it's just dirty

> Grazie del auito.

You're welcome.

Lorenzo Benaglia
Microsoft MVP - SQL Server

aabruzzese Profilo | Junior Member

Ciao Lorenzo,

My appologies on that previous reply, it never pays to read code while your wife is hounding you to get ready to go shopping.

I tried your code and it works fine, the reason I thought it was overkill is that at a quick glance it almost looked like you wanted me to create a temp table to hold data and then wipe it out.

The query you posted with the join works perfectly and does what I was looking for.

Once again thanks.

Forza Azzuri !
Questa volta non perderemo sui Penalty Kicks e niente di quelli Arbitri deliquenti !

Io sto qui nel Colorado.

Angelo Abruzzese

lbenaglia Profilo | Guru

>My appologies on that previous reply, it never pays to read code
>while your wife is hounding you to get ready to go shopping.

Ha, ha, ha...

>I tried your code and it works fine, the reason I thought it
>was overkill is that at a quick glance it almost looked like
>you wanted me to create a temp table to hold data and then wipe
>it out.
No, I use the tempdb only to not "dirty" your work db. You don't need any temp table

>The query you posted with the join works perfectly and does what
>I was looking for.

I'm happy to hear it

>Once again thanks.

You're welcome.

>Forza Azzuri !
>Questa volta non perderemo sui Penalty Kicks e niente di quelli
>Arbitri deliquenti !

Speriamo di non fare una figuraccia

>Io sto qui nel Colorado.

WOW, che meraviglia!
Con quelle montagne chissà che belle sciate farai...


Lorenzo Benaglia
Microsoft MVP - SQL Server

aabruzzese Profilo | Junior Member

Ciao Lorenzo,

guisto in caso si voresti vedere a qualle fina era tutto quello SQL.

Angelo Abruzzese
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