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-- Table CREATE TABLE [MyTable] ( [ID] [decimal](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL , [ClientId] [decimal](18, 0) NULL , [Date2] [datetime] NULL , [Date1] [datetime] NULL , CONSTRAINT [PK_MyTable] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO --Insert INSERT INTO [IAIA].[dbo].[MyTable]([ClientId], [Date2], [Date1]) VALUES(1,'2007-01-10','2007-01-01') INSERT INTO [IAIA].[dbo].[MyTable]([ClientId], [Date2], [Date1]) VALUES(1,'2007-01-20','2007-01-13') INSERT INTO [IAIA].[dbo].[MyTable]([ClientId], [Date2], [Date1]) VALUES(1,'2007-01-25','2007-02-01') INSERT INTO [IAIA].[dbo].[MyTable]([ClientId], [Date2], [Date1]) VALUES(2,'2007-01-10','2007-01-01') INSERT INTO [IAIA].[dbo].[MyTable]([ClientId], [Date2], [Date1]) VALUES(2,'2007-02-20','2007-01-13') INSERT INTO [IAIA].[dbo].[MyTable]([ClientId], [Date2], [Date1]) VALUES(2,'2007-02-05','2007-02-03') --Result ID ClientId Date2 Date1 -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 7 1 2007-01-10 2007-01-01 8 1 2007-01-20 2007-01-13 9 1 2007-01-25 2007-02-01 10 2 2007-01-10 2007-01-01 11 2 2007-02-20 2007-01-13 12 2 2007-02-05 2007-02-03 -- Stored Procedure SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DIFFDATE AS DECLARE @maxclientid as decimal, @minclientid as decimal, @idmin as decimal, @idmax as decimal, @val1 as datetime, @val2 as datetime, @Days as decimal, @myclient as decimal, @mydate as datetime, @clientidmax as dec -- Temp table create table #temp ( ID decimal(18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL , Clientid decimal, myDate datetime, flag bit -- If 1 means that difference is >30 ) -- final table create table #fin ( Clientid decimal, myDate datetime ) --find first and last clientid set @maxclientid = (SELECT MAX(clientid) FROM MYTABLE) set @mINclientid = (SELECT MIN(clientid) FROM MYTABLE) WHILE @maxclientid + 1 > @mINclientid BEGIN -- select the range of id for each client start from first clientid set @idmax = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM MYTABLE WHERE clientid = @mINclientid ) set @idmin = (SELECT MIN(id) FROM MYTABLE WHERE clientid = @minclientid ) --analyze each client id client start from first clientid -- first cicle WHILE @idmax > @idmin BEGIN -- Take the values of two rows set @val1 = (SELECT Date1 FROM MYtable WHERE ID = @idmin ) set @val2 = (SELECT Date2 FROM MYtable WHERE ID = @idmin + 1 ) -- that's next row -- Make my difference set @Days = (SELECT DATEDIFF(DAY,@val1, @val2)) -- get clientid and date set @myclient = (SELECT clientid from mytable where id = @idmin) IF @DAYS > 30 BEGIN set @mydate = (SELECT date1 from mytable where id = @idmin) INSERT INTO #temp(Clientid,myDate,flag)VALUES (@myclient,@mydate,1) END ELSE BEGIN set @mydate = (SELECT date1 from mytable where id = @idmin + 1) INSERT INTO #temp(Clientid,myDate,flag)VALUES (@myclient,@mydate,0) END -- next id for current clientid set @idmin = @idmin + 1 END --end first cicle -- Check for this clientid if exist flag 1 IF ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 1) > 0 ) BEGIN -- select first clientid and date set @myclient = (SELECT clientid FROM #temp WHERE id=(SELECT MIN(ID) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 1)) set @mydate = (SELECT myDate FROM #temp WHERE id=(SELECT MIN(ID) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 1)) END ELSE BEGIN -- no >30 return the last Date1 for that ClientID set @myclient = (SELECT clientid FROM #temp WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 0)) set @mydate = (SELECT myDate FROM #temp WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 0)) END -- put result into final table INSERT INTO #fin(Clientid,myDate)VALUES (@myclient,@mydate) -- clean tmp table DELETE from #temp set @mINclientid = @mINclientid + 1 END -- select result select * from #fin GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO --Final result Clientid myDate -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 1 2007-02-01 00:00:00.000 2 2007-01-01 00:00:00.000 (2 row(s) affected)
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