Store procedure process actual and next row

lunedì 26 marzo 2007 - 14.33

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

Hi!, I need a stored procedure that calculates differences between the current row and the next row of a given table
The initial table is this, 3 columns: a CientID and 2 dates,
and it's ordered by ClientId and Date2
ClienID Date2 Date1
1 a b
1 c d
1 e f

the first row is ClientID= 1, Date2 = a and Date1=b
the next row is ClientID=1, Date2=c and Date1=d
the next row is ClientID=1, Date2=e and Date1=f
the first difference is c-b, if this difference is >30 return (1,b) else calculate the second difference: e-d, if this difference is >30 return (1,c)
if there's no difference >30 return the last Date1 for the ClientID
and continue with the next ClientID to do the same..
the result should be a 2 columns table (ClientID, Date1)

The main problem I think is to process the actual and next row to calculate that differences

Here's an example with dates:
ClientID Date2 Date1
1 10.01.2007 01.01.2007
1 20.01.2007 13.01.2007
1 25.02.2007 01.02.2007
1 15.03.2007 27.02.2007
2 10.01.2007 01.01.2007
2 20.01.2007 13.01.2007
2 05.02.2007 01.02.2007

with the following result set:

ClientID Date1
1 13.01.2007 //25.02.2007- 13.01.2007 is the first > 30 days
2 01.02.2007 //No records with > 30 days difference

Please help, a high level pseudocode of the procedure will be excellent

bluland Profilo | Guru

Id like to know if u can add another column to your table, for example a column for Id like follow example:


id ClientId Date2 Date1


Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

Yes, I can add columns if that what needs to be done to solve it..

I made a mistake in the post, the first difference was ok:
the first difference is c-b, if this difference is >30 return (1,b)

but in the second difference I should have written (1,d) instead of (1,c) in the result table, this is ok now:
else calculate the second difference: e-d, if this difference is >30 return (1,d)

Because we must return (ClientID, Date1)


bluland Profilo | Guru

So at the end you need to return all records (cliendid, date1) where the difference is >30 is right?
else if there isnt difference > 30 you dont return anything right?

Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

if there's no difference >30 for a ClientID then return the last Date1 for that ClientID

and for all the clients that have just one Date1 and one Date2 just return that ClientID and Date1


bluland Profilo | Guru

ah ok so for example if I ve this values what itll be the result?

ID ClientId Date2 Date1
-------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------
1 1 2007-01-10 2007-01-01
2 1 2007-01-20 2007-01-13
3 1 2007-01-25 2007-02-01
4 2 2007-01-10 2007-01-01
5 2 2007-02-20 2007-01-13
6 2 2007-02-13 2007-02-01

I'll give u a solution with Sql 2000
Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

ClientID Sec Date2 Date1
1 1 2007-01-10 2007-01-01
2 1 2007-01-20 2007-01-13
3 1 2007-01-25 2007-02-01
4 2 2007-01-10 2007-01-01
5 2 2007-02-20 2007-01-13
6 2 2007-02-13 2007-02-01

the 1st dif is 2007-01-20 - 2007-01-01 <30
the 2nd dif is 2007-01-25 - 2007-01-13 <30
ret (1,2007-02-01)

the 1st dif is 2007-02-20 - 2007-01-01 <30
the 2nd dif is 2007-02-13 - 2007-01-13 <= 30

ClientID Date1
1 2007-02-01
2 2007-02-01

Don't worry about the specifics of SQL 2000 a high level pseudocode would be fine (I hope)

bluland Profilo | Guru

>ClientID Sec Date2 Date1
>1 1 2007-01-10 2007-01-01
>2 1 2007-01-20 2007-01-13
>3 1 2007-01-25 2007-02-01
>4 2 2007-01-10 2007-01-01
>5 2 2007-02-20 2007-01-13
>6 2 2007-02-13 2007-02-01
>the 1st dif is 2007-01-20 - 2007-01-01 <30
>the 2nd dif is 2007-01-25 - 2007-01-13 <30
>ret (1,2007-02-01)
>the 1st dif is 2007-02-20 - 2007-01-01 <30

but is > 30 ????

>the 2nd dif is 2007-02-13 - 2007-01-13 <= 30

>ClientID Date1
>1 2007-02-01
>2 2007-02-01

ClientID Date1
1 2007-02-01
2 2007-02-20

is right?

and if there's more then >30 for each clientid what u ve to return all or what??
Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

Ohh sorry made another mistake in the ClientID=2, the first difference is > 30, then return the Date1 that causes that difference:

>the 1st dif is 2007-02-20 - 2007-01-01 >30

return(2007-01-01), the Date1

ClientID Date1
1 2007-02-01
2 2007-01-01

bluland Profilo | Guru

yes but if there's more then >30 for each clientid what u ve to return all or what??
Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

If there's more than one > 30 I have to return the first one found, for each clientID

bluland Profilo | Guru

OK i give u in SQL 2000 all script

Ex. Table, some insert and Stored Procedure

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that's all!

Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

GREAT!!!!! Thanks!!!

bluland Profilo | Guru

>GREAT!!!!! Thanks!!!
Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

I feel ashamed but I had to modify the procedure because it can be a clientid with just one row, so idmax=idmin and for those cases it does not work, I modified the procedure and added this lines right before the first cicle starts:

Works fine but those clients who have just one row appear twice in the final file... so although I had the procedure almost done here for me I still can't make it work

bluland Profilo | Guru

This script check also if there 's only one row for some clientid:

SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE sp_DIFFDATE AS DECLARE @maxclientid as decimal, @minclientid as decimal, @idmin as decimal, @idmax as decimal, @val1 as datetime, @val2 as datetime, @Days as decimal, @myclient as decimal, @mydate as datetime, @clientidmax as decimal, @verRow as integer -- Temp table create table #temp ( ID decimal(18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL , Clientid decimal, myDate datetime, flag bit -- If 1 means that difference is >30 ) -- final table create table #fin ( Clientid decimal, myDate datetime ) --find first and last clientid set @maxclientid = (SELECT MAX(clientid) FROM MYTABLE) set @mINclientid = (SELECT MIN(clientid) FROM MYTABLE) WHILE @maxclientid + 1 > @mINclientid BEGIN --verify if there's only one row SET @verRow =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MYtable WHERE clientid = @mINclientid) -- Row = 1 IF (@verRow <= 1) BEGIN set @mydate = (SELECT date1 from mytable where clientid = @mINclientid) INSERT INTO #temp(Clientid,myDate,flag)VALUES (@mINclientid,@mydate,0) select * from #temp INSERT INTO #fin(Clientid,myDate)VALUES (@mINclientid,@mydate) set @mINclientid = @mINclientid + 1 END ELSE BEGIN -- select the range of id for each client start from first clientid set @idmax = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM MYTABLE WHERE clientid = @mINclientid ) set @idmin = (SELECT MIN(id) FROM MYTABLE WHERE clientid = @minclientid ) SELECT MAX(id) FROM MYTABLE WHERE clientid = @mINclientid SELECT MIN(id) FROM MYTABLE WHERE clientid = @minclientid --analyze each client id client start from first clientid -- first cicle WHILE @idmax > @idmin BEGIN -- Take the values of two rows set @val1 = (SELECT Date1 FROM MYtable WHERE ID = @idmin ) set @val2 = (SELECT Date2 FROM MYtable WHERE ID = @idmin + 1 ) -- that's next row -- Make my difference set @Days = (SELECT DATEDIFF(DAY,@val1, @val2)) -- get clientid and date set @myclient = (SELECT clientid from mytable where id = @idmin) IF (@DAYS > 30) BEGIN set @mydate = (SELECT date1 from mytable where id = @idmin) INSERT INTO #temp(Clientid,myDate,flag)VALUES (@myclient,@mydate,1) END ELSE BEGIN set @mydate = (SELECT date1 from mytable where id = @idmin + 1) INSERT INTO #temp(Clientid,myDate,flag)VALUES (@myclient,@mydate,0) END -- next id for current clientid set @idmin = @idmin + 1 END --end first cicle -- Check for this clientid if exist flag 1 IF ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 1) > 0 ) BEGIN -- select first clientid and date set @myclient = (SELECT clientid FROM #temp WHERE id=(SELECT MIN(ID) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 1)) set @mydate = (SELECT myDate FROM #temp WHERE id=(SELECT MIN(ID) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 1)) END ELSE BEGIN -- no >30 return the last Date1 for that ClientID set @myclient = (SELECT clientid FROM #temp WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 0)) set @mydate = (SELECT myDate FROM #temp WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #temp WHERE flag = 0)) END -- put result into final table INSERT INTO #fin(Clientid,myDate)VALUES (@myclient,@mydate) -- clean tmp table DELETE from #temp set @mINclientid = @mINclientid + 1 END END -- select result select DISTINCT * from #fin GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO

do try and tell me about that!

Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

Thanks, now works for the one row CLIENTIDs...

But now I found that It does not work for a case like CLIENTID = 3 where the first difference = 37 and the second difference is 66, it shows in the FIN table the second date (04/03/1998) and it should show the first one (06/12/1997)
I debugged it and it saves in the FIN table the correct date (06/12/1997) and then does not save to the FIN table anymore when I debug it, but when I run the procedure and check the FIN table appears the wrong date (04/03/1998)

I also run it with a test table which has only the CLIENTID = 3 and it works fine, it saves to the FIN table the right date (06/12/1997)

1,000000 10/01/2007 0:00 01/01/2007 0:00 2,000000
1,000000 20/01/2007 0:00 13/01/2007 0:00 3,000000
1,000000 25/01/2007 0:00 01/02/2007 0:00 4,000000
2,000000 10/01/2007 0:00 01/01/2007 0:00 5,000000
2,000000 20/02/2007 0:00 13/01/2007 0:00 6,000000
2,000000 05/02/2007 0:00 03/02/2007 0:00 7,000000
3,000000 24/11/1997 0:00 06/12/1997 0:00 8,000000
3,000000 12/01/1998 0:00 04/03/1998 0:00 9,000000
3,000000 09/05/1998 0:00 20/11/1998 0:00 10,000000

I inserted all the rows in another new table because maybe it was some problem with the old table but I got the same wrong result for CLIENTID=3, it's strange, I don't know what's happening...

It would help me so much if you add CLIENTID=3 to your table and run it in SQL2000, maybe it's some problem with my tables...Sorry for this neverending post

bluland Profilo | Guru

thats here:

plaease next time do write the insert statment in sql ansi

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so its right?

saluti and good easter
Vincenzo PESANTE

aleplgr Profilo | Junior Member

Thanks!! Yes, it's alright.. so the problem is in my initial table.. so far I was inserting data without a generator: just by hand..
I think that's why it's not working for my data...

I'm trying to create a generator for the table created from a SELECT in order, but in InterBase I need to do something like this:
insert all records into the table
then run an SP which does something like this

for select cola, colb, colc from test into :a, :b, :c order by cola, colb, colc
update test set cold = genid(my_gen, 1) where cola = :a and
colb = :b and colc = :c;

I didn't make it work yet but I think I will..
I hope that when I could solve this, it will be finished, I'll let you know
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